Yatenga Mask/Mossi (Burkina Faso)
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In the Savanna Region of West Africa (Burkina Faso), the Mossi tribe pay tribute to deceased elders using a "Yatenga" mask. This mask honors a woman's age, wisdom, and experience. Used in dance, it elevates her to the rank of a living ancestress, intermediary between the living and the spirits of the family's ancestors.
This is an outstanding example.Very good age, particularly on the inside, which is worn smooth. There are tension lines on the top of the holes which have been pierced for headdress attachment. It has an outstanding, deep, encrusted patina. The mask itself, carved out of hardwood.An outstanding addition to any first rate collection of ethnographic or African art. Chris. D. Roy, Thomas G.B.Wheelock, LAND OF THE FLYING MASKS. Art & Culture in BURKINA FASO. THE THOMAS G.B. Wheelock COLLECTION, 2007 Sell Price $1800 - SOLD - |